Ethical standards
JW Pharmaceutical has been carrying out an enhanced practical program on regulations, and training for our members to raise awareness of continual compliance since the introduction of the Fair Trade Compliance Program in 2007 to comply with relevant regulations, such as the fair trade act, anti graft law and pharmaceutical affairs act Despite all efforts to practice law-abiding management in compliance with external environmental changes, such as changes in government policy and enhancement of relevant regulations, when breaking the law by a moment's mistake, it can cause serious damage not only to you but also to our company and customers.
Therefore, all of us should work more closely together to support law-abiding management activity, with a sense of responsibility, immediately report to a relevant department in recognizing a violation of law so that it should be treated according to proper legal procedure and make a greater effort to prevent reoccurrence.
Dear all JW Pharmaceutical staff members!
I am requesting your sincere participation in the compliance program to achieve continuous growth by enhancing our sales activity based on ethical standards and law-abiding management in internal and external environments where more rapid changes are anticipated in the future.
Also, when recognizing a violation of law, we all should immediately report to a relevant department so that it should be treated according to proper legal procedure and make an effort to prevent reoccurrence.
I am requesting all our members to continue practicing and supporting enhanced law-abiding/ ethical management activities to make JW Pharmaceutical achieve continuous growth.
Thank you
01Purpose and Scope of Application
02Ethics for customers
03Ethics for shareholders and investors
04Compliance with Laws and Regulations
05Prohibition of rebate, bribe, other corrupt acts
06Gifts and Entertainment
07Fair Competition and Supply
08Protection of personal information
09Compliance with Employment-related regulations
10Protection of Intellectual Property and Confidential Business Information
11Accuracy of business records
12Usage of Internet, E-mail, mobile devices, electronic mediums and others
13Compliance with trade regulations
14Environment, health and safety
15Contact for violations
JW Pharmaceutical wishes to become a corporate that would grow together with customers, executives and employees by contributing to the development of healthcare industry.
01OneWe shall realize customer priority by thinking from the perspectives of the customers at all times.
02TwoWe shall autonomically comply with all related laws including laws related to Pharmacy Law, Exclusive Regulation and Fair Trade with regards to executing the businesses and works and shall not engage in acts that violate them.
03ThreeWe shall compete in fair and transparent methods with competitors and shall actively cooperate in common obligations for the development of industry and for the health of mankind..
04FourAll executives and employees shall strive towards sound and happy career by mutually accepting and respecting the dignity and value of human.
05FiveThe executives and employees shall execute the work at their best with passion based on utmost good faith and shall lead innovation at work.
06SixWe shall protect the investment income of shareholders by realizing sound profits through effective management.
07SevenWe shall actively train and support the executives and employees in competence development and create a healthy working environment where passionate and competent people would feel like working.
08EightWe, as corporate citizen, shall contribute to regional society and strive for harmonious joint development with the regional society.
09NineWe shall endeavor to prevent environmental pollution and to protect nature for clean environment preservation.
10TenWe shall actively cooperate with the national health and medical policies and shall always put in the best efforts in promoting national health and welfare