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Company JW, protecting human health and future


As We are taking a powerful step toward the establishment of a century.
“The path JW Pharmaceutical which is the company founded at Independent year has come”


  • ∙  Received Approval for Phase 3 Clinical Trial of Gout Treatment ‘URC102’ in Malaysia
  • ∙  LivaloZet surpassed cumulative sales of 100 billion KRW just over two years after its launch
  • ∙  Registered Korean Patent for Wnt-targeted Hair Loss Treatment ‘JW0061’
  • ∙  Signed License-In Agreement with Kissei Pharmaceutical for GnRH Antagonist ‘Linzagolix’
  • ∙  C&C Research Laboratories, Prostate cancer treatment selected as Korea Drug Development Project


  • ∙  Acquisition of JW BioScience medical device business


  • ∙  Signed a joint research contract for innovative new drugs using AI with Oncocross
  • ∙  Signed a joint research contract with Organoid Science for non-clinical translational research
  • ∙  International standard compliance management system ISO37301 certification


  • ∙  Completed phase 2b clinical trial for gout treatment URC102
  • ∙  Completion of phase 2b global clinical trial of 'JW1601', atopic dermatitis treatment
  • ∙  STAT3 target atopic dermatitis innovative new drug research, selected as the '2021 National New Drug Development Project' task
  • ∙  Carbapenem antibiotic 'Ertapenem' entered the US market for the first time in Korea
  • ∙  Signed a licensing agreement with Kissei Pharmaceutical for thrombocytopenia treatment fostamatinib


  • ∙  Completion of phase 1 domestic clinical trial of 'JW1601', atopic dermatitis treatment
  • ∙  Development of COVID-19 treatment using targeted anti-cancer drug CWP291
  • ∙  Initiated development of next-generation targeted anti-cancer drugs targeting STAT3
  • ∙  C&C Research laboratories incorporated as a owned subsidiary of JW Pharmaceutical


  • ∙  Signed a technology export contract with the Simcere company in China,'URC102' for gout treatment
  • ∙  Acquired 'Euvipharm', the first Vietnamese pharmaceutical company in Korea
  • ∙  Atopic dermatitis ‘JW1601’ won the ‘Technology Exporter’ and the 'King Sejong the Great', the highest patented technology in Korea
  • ∙  Atopic dermatitis drugs 'JW1601' US FDA approved clinical
  • ∙  A hemophilia drug 'hemri Bra' rare drug designation and market sales permit
  • ∙  Livalozet (Pitavastatin / Ezetinib combination) Phase 1 clinical trial success
  • ∙  Asia’s first sell a three-chamber nutrient infusion in EU


  • ∙  JW Life Science Industry First ‘Nutrient Toolking’ in Asis get EU-GMP
  • ∙  Technology export of atopic dermatitis drug 'JW1601'


  • ∙  Government Award for Excellent Innovative Pharmaceutical
        Company (by the Minister of Health and Welfare)
  • ∙  Ensured prior-sales right and avoided dorifenem's patent of
        penem anti-biotic <Pinipenem> successfully
  • ∙  Completed clinical demonstration 2 of gout remedy
        (URC102) and announced the results (American College of
        Rheumatology, ACR)
  • ∙  Announced the clinical design of multiple myeloma of Wnt
        target anti-cancer drug (CWP291) (American Society of
        Clinical Oncology, ASCO)
  • ∙  Conducted the stomach cancer clinical demonstration of
        Wnt target anti-cancer drug <CWP291> (Researcher-led
        clinical demonstration) clinical demonstration 1
  • ∙  Concluded an agreement for non-clinical trial research with
        the new drug development project division of the Ministry
        of Health and Welfare for atopic dermatitis treatment
  • ∙  Owned the sales rights in Korea for anemia treatment
  • ∙  Owned the sales rights in Korea for hemophilia A treatment
        <ACE910> production facility


  • ∙  Announced Wnt target anti-cancer drug <CWP291>
    acute myeloid leukemia clinical demonstration phase 1 clinical results
  • ∙  Approved Wnt target anti-cancer drug <CWP291>
    acute myeloid leukemia clinical demonstration 1b by Korean and the US IND
  • ∙  Announced Wnt target anti-cancer drug <CWP291> multiple myeloma clinical demonstration 1a, b intermediate results (American Society of Hematology, ASH)
  • ∙  Completed gout treatment <URC102> clinical demonstration 2


  • ∙  Vision 70+5 Declaration


  • ∙  Signed Export Agreement with America’s Baxter for
    3-Chamber Nourishment Transfusion Fluid
  • ∙  Joint-Development agreement with Japan’s SKK worth 100
    billion for pharmaceutical products


  • ∙  Relocation of C&C new drug research Institute
    (DRC center, Natural Science Campus,
    Sungkyunkwan University inSuwon)
  • ∙  Relocation of headquarters
    (2477 Nambusunhwan Ro- Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul


  • ∙  Change in Group CI and Company name
        (JW Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.)
  • ∙  We enter the clinical phase for what target anti-cancer\
        drug in the United States
  • ∙  We develop Zepeed Erectile dysfunction, avanafil,
        which is a domestic 17th new drug


  • ∙  Completion of construction of JW Dangjin production
    complex which is the nation’s largest production


  • ∙  Selected as ‘excellent company with Harmonization
        between Management and Labors by Ministry of Labor


  • ∙  Recipient of the presidential medal on the 12th day of environment Launching of JW holdings
  • ∙  Selected as a ‘bio-Star’ In the project for support of
    the development of drug discovery by Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy.
  • ∙  Citizens’ Coalition for Economic Justice, we are ranked the first among Pharmaceutical companies in the field of economic justice/ We are ranked at least 8th in all sectors


  • ∙  Construction of a plant specialized for Non PVC iv
        solution in the world’s largest amount
        (Chungnam DangJin).


  • ∙  Development of therapeutic agent for colon cancer with new concept as the world’s first (identification of drug which blocks CBP-beta catenin binding)
  • ∙  Selected as ’30 Korean companies which are respected in 2005’ (Donga Ilbo and IBM BCS)
  • ∙  Selected as ‘the best Asian 200 companies’ (Frbes Asia)
  • ∙  Merger of Daeyoo Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. And JW Medical CO., Ltd. And establishment of JW Shinyak Co.,Ltd.


  • ∙  Success in development of antibiotic ‘imipenem’ with a
         mega size of 0.6 billion dollars for the first time)


  • ∙  Recipient of the 3rd Gyeonggi environment green grand (Gyeonggi Province)
  • ∙  Recipient of the 4th Kroea corporate image grand prize (Korea Management Associationn)
  • ∙  Recipient of the grand prize in the sector of corporate in 5th Gyeonggi Province Industrial Peace award
    (Gyeonggi Province)


  • ∙  Q-roxin tab, winning an exellent award for the drug
        discovery development (Korean Drug Research


  • ∙  Recipient of the 1st CEO grand award (Korean Professional Managers Assoiation)
  • ∙  Q-roxiin tab, acquistition of approval from KFDA for a new drug in phase 3 which is the first time in Korea


  • ∙  Recipient of $10 million export tower Establishment of
        CGEN Research
  • ∙  Corporation
        (Contract with PNRI, USA for Collaborative study)


  • ∙  Recipient of the 5th Annual Grand Founder Prize
    (The Korean Academy of Business Historians)
  • ∙  Record Production of 1billion bottles of iv solution
  • ∙  Establishment of an affiliate company
    : Choongwae information technology (CIT)


  • ∙  Development of Anti-fungal agent, Itraconazole
  • ∙  Selected as the 1st most reputable domestic company


  • ∙  Recipient of ‘4th Annual Economic Justice Award’
  • ∙  Recipient of ‘Bronze Tower Industrial Medal of Honor’
  • ∙  Designated as a Model Company for Harmonization
    between Management and Labors (Ministry of Labor)


  • ∙  Establishment of an affiliate company
        : Choongwae Chemical Co.,Ltd.
  • ∙  Development of Anti-arrhythmia agent, KCB new agent


  • ∙  Deignated as an ‘Exemplary Environment Management
    Corporation’ by the govemment for three consecutiive years


  • ∙  Merger of Choongwae Machinery Co.,Ltd. And Choongwae
        Commercial Co.,Ltd. : Choongwae Medical co.,Ltd was


  • ∙  Establishment of C&C new drug research Institute


  • ∙  Name Change : From Jungmo Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
        To Daeyoo Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
  • ∙  Designated as a company for all dosage forms to cmply
        with KGMP (Ministry of Health and Welfare)


  • ∙  Acquisition of company : Jungmo Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd
  • ∙  Recipient of ‘National Medal of Honor, Moran’


  • ∙  Establishment of an affiliate company
        : Choongwae industrail Co.,Ltd.


  • ∙  Construction of Yongin Plant of
    Choongwae Commercial Corporation
  • ∙  Designated as a company to comply with KGMP
    (Ministry of Health and Welfare)
  • ∙  Recipient of ‘National Medal of Honor, MokRyun’


  • ∙  Construction and relocation of Headquarters building
        : 698 Shindaebang-dong, Donjak-Gu, Seoul.


  • ∙  Recipient of ‘Saemaeul Medal of Honor for cooperation’


  • ∙  Establishment of Choongwae Research Institute
        : Designated as a private affiliated laboratory of Ministry
        of Science Technology.


  • ∙  Change of Corporation Name :
        Choongwae Pharmaceutical CO.,Ltd


  • ∙  Construction and relocation of an new plant
        : 146-141, Annyung-ri, Taene-eup, Hwasung-gun,
        Gyeonggi Province
  • ∙  Establishment of an affilate company :
         Choongwae Machinery Co.,Ltd


  • ∙  Initial Public Offering (Invitation of public to new stocks) :
    88 milion won in the Capital
    – listed on the Korea Stock Exchange Market.


  • ∙  Setting up the manufacturing records and batch test records
        based onJGMP standards (First in Korea)


  • ∙  Establishment of an affiliate company
        : Daehan Choongwae Commercial Co.,Ltd.


  • ∙  Recipient of inventor’s award
        : Development of TC soluble derivative method
        (Lymecycline HCL)


  • ∙  Establishment of corporation
        : Daehan Choongwae Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.


  • ∙  Establishment of company : Choongwae Pharmaceutical
        (Choongmu-ro 3 Ga, Choong-gu, Seoul)